Saturday, 4 August 2012


My chair is finished and can be seen at the Subterranean exhibition in Hackney!

Octagon Gallery. St John at Hackney, London, E5 OPD

Private View Aug 1st 6.30-9pm
Opening times
Sat 4th / Sun 5th 12-6pm.

The London Underground transport network is the oldest and busiest underground system in the world.
Steeped in history, its walls are adorned with echoes of art and design spanning back over a hundred years. The iconic branding of the tube map and London underground memorabilia has penetrated the cultural subconscious of Londoners and beyond. However there are many factors that make a tube ride such a remarkable experience. The work in Subterranean focuses on the elements which make the tube unique. The carriages and tunnels are an ever-changing platform for ideas and imagery. Voyeuristic literary snippets, ripped advertising hoardings and the iconic tube seat covers are some of the subject matter discussed within the show.