Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Sunday = Funday

On Sunday Warp Films threw a "credit crunch" party for the UK screening premiere of Le Donk & Scor-zay-zee. Lucky for us, favourite z-lister Vanessa Feltz made an appearance (pushing me out the way twice - firstly when the vodka jelly shots were served up, and secondly when Domino's Pizza arrived). Amongst the live rapping entertainment at the Soho community centre (which was decked out with copious bunting and washing-lines of pants) there was a tombola, splat the rat, hoopla and even pin the tail on Le Donk.
Paddling pools had also been filled with beer and ice. We won a cheap bottle of Tesco own branded Baileys in the Tombola, and lucky for us, everyone was given a pot noodle to take home.

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